This is the branch of Specialized Kinesiology with the greatest emphasis on emotions and aims towards the unification of body, mind and spirit in order that the client can create the life they really want with the support of the professional kinesiologist. In other words it really stresses the power of CHOICE and how each person can get their sense of choice back.
The Behavioral Barometer is an “intelligent” road map that can help you identify where you find yourself emotionally at a given time and where you would like to go. And since we believe that the best source of information about yourself is simply yourself, we use muscle testing as a way of communicating with your deeper wisdom and cellular memory.
3in1 uses the muscle testing to test emotions not muscles. And its use within the context of a private session allows you to bring about the desired changes on a personal or professional level within one hour!
Stress influences our choices and the way we interpret any given situation. In this way it greatly and often negatively affects our ability to achieve what we want. Based on our past and consciously largely forgotten experiences, our choices are more often than not a repetition of past choices that served our survival very well but that do not really serve our development or possibility of new choices.
By defusing the stress that is registered on the body and cellular memory we make a new, effortless choice possible for ourselves and see our lives take a positive turn.